The awesomeness of this game is just about the same as it's predecessor.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: World at War X360
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a big hit in the shooter franchise. Some people think this game is worse than Modern Warfare. I think it's just about the same. The only difference is that the weapons are from WWII and you can drive tanks in multiplayer mode. AND you get to fight Nazi Zombies. What is not cool about that? The story starts with you playing as U.S. Marine Pvt. Miller. You fight against the Japanese troops who camouflage themselves with leaves and climb up in trees. Then you play as a Russian troop named Demetri against the Nazi's. The awesomeness comes from the multiplayer. It's almost the same as Modern Warfare's gameplay only THIS time, you get to drive tanks and man the machine guns. You also get to send out the dogs on people. The no gore mode is a nice touch for people who have a fear of blood. What confuses me is that they made THIS for the Wii and not Modern Warfare.* You can see my DS review for this game also.

[Update as of November 7, 2009]

* it is now