Welcome to the most destructive and deadliest conflict in human history! Real Score: 8.4

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: World at War X360
Gameplay: 8
Graphics: 10
Sound: 10
Value: 8
Tilt: 8

World at War is the 5th installment in the Call of Duty franchise. In 2007, Call of Duty 4 was released and for the first time in the series it was placed in modern time. Still today thousands of people are playing its incredible online multiplayer. So how does World at War measure up to Modern Warfare? In my opinion, World at War is an amazing game, however as many predicted, it would not be as good as its predecessor. Moreover, the campaign was superb, with an outstanding and thrilling story which can be played through four player co-op. The cooperative mode consists of two modes, co-op and competitive co-op, which give you points for every kill, revive, etc. The online multiplayer, is great as well, but not as addicting as Modern Warfare. The weapons are quite similar, except for the flamethrower and bayonets. You still have nearly all the same perks, weapon add-ons, challenges, and game types. Overall, Call of Duty has returned to WWII in Call of Duty: World at War but it definitely is an amazing game; with many memorable firefights and some impressive new features, such as tanks in the multiplayer and the nazi zombie mode, which starts out slow but then turns insane.