This game is not Infinity Ward, and it shows...

User Rating: 6 | Call of Duty: World at War PC
As I said, the game is made by Treyarch and the difference is clear in my eyes...
All in all the game is not very bad, the engine is the same of CoD4 and retain all of its strenghts, but the story is not very compelling, you don't feel the characters and everything is quite confusing. In Cod4 the story was very well introduced and evolved in every mission, you really felt that every bullet you fired was a part of that story. In CoD5 you are thrown into the jungle with a rifle and some targets to shoot, that's all. I mean, we all know how the WWII was, what happened and all, but c'mon, try at least to put up some kind of sub-plot to the old main story, something to give the game some kind of "new appeal" instead of "Sh**! another WWII shooter". Japanese soldiers and bayonets cannot be considered a breakthrough innovation...
Another bad thing is weapons sound...
It seems that they have recorded sounds from soft-air versions of real weapons...
Please, give me back Infinity Ward developers...