Finally a CoD worthwhile of your time

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare PC

+ Some of the best graphics I've ever seen
+ Realistic gameplay with an insane amount of weapons
+ Sound effects on point
+ Long, varied and captivating campaign with different perspectives from different countries
+ Personal favorite battle royale Warzone which keeps improving

- Too repetitive at times
- Bad boss fight at the end
- Slightly generic story
- Some uninteresting characters

Had the main story been better, this would have been a 10/10 game. But I think it's a bit of a shame that the Russians are portrayed as the ones who invade and do horrific war crimes, but when all the others do it (like kill civilians) it's shrugged off as nothing. USA is responsible for the most most horrible "wars" (more like slaughters) in modern time, just look at before/after US invasion pictures of Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan +++. Had this been brought to light in this game, I'd say it would be almost revolutionary. But of course, Russia is always the worst when it comes to war.

Playing this totally maxed out with ray-tracing on my 2080 Ti, it is almost creepily realistic at times to the point where my brain struggles to understand if I'm playing a game or if I'm really shooting people. The Warzone/battle royale is the best I've played even though I suck at it, because it introduces the "gulag" which gives you the chance to come back to the BR after you were killed.

In summary, it's the best CoD I've played since the original Black Ops. Great job, Infinity Ward.