This is a good fun game with good gameplay and a compelling storyline.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a fun, military-themed first-person shooter. This game is more than just a plain shooting game, it involves a variety of missions some of which are more action-based and others which rely more on stealth. This helps balance the game out and give it some more variety.

The main storyline of the campaign mode picks up where Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 left off. If you have not yet played Modern Warfare 2 you may want to stop reading this review because it may contain some spoilers. Modern Warfare 3 starts off with a war between the United States and Russia that has been secretly instigated by a Russian nationalist terrorist group led by Vladimir Makarov. Throughout the campaign you will play as multiple characters, though you will mainly play as Sgt. Derek "Frost" Westbrook (a member of Delta Force), and an ex-Spetsnaz agent named Yuri who has a personal grudge against Makarov. You will also get to play as a British Special Ops soldier and an agent of the Russian Federal Security Agency (essentially the Russian equivalent of the Secret Service). As the game starts off Frost is in New York City which is under attack by the Russians. Your first mission (playing as Frost) is to destroy a Russian jammer on a building that the Russians are using to jam the American's communications systems. After that your next mission is to sneak under a Russian submarine (which is being used a command center for a Russian naval fleet that is surrounding New York City) with your Delta Force Unit and a group of Navy SEALs and attach a charge to the sub, causing it to surface. Then you must storm the sub and take control of it so that you can launch its payload of cruise missiles at the Russian Fleet in New York Harbor. Next you switch over to playing as Yuri who is helping Capt. Price evacuate the wounded Capt. MacTavish from a hideout in India where that is being attacked by Makarov's men. Throughout the game you will alternate between Frost who is fighting the Russian army and Yuri who is aiding Price in tracking down Makarov.

In addition to the campaign mode, Modern Warfare 3 also includes a Special Ops mode where you complain various missions such as surviving waves of attackers. Overall the game is quite good and is recommended for fans of the Call of Duty:Modern Warfare Series and other similar games (i.e. military first-person shooters). Since the storyline is a direct continuation from Modern Warfare 2 I recommend getting and playing Modern Warfare 2 before getting Modern Warfare 3.