Nothing new, nothing special.

User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PC
I have been a COD fan since the first Modern Warfare released back in 2007, but in saying that there has been no real change since then either. It is nothing new or exciting, it is just another COD game. Yes, I very much enjoy the multi-player aspect but with a decent rig and a bit of practice claiming a spot in the top 5 is not very difficult.
The biggest let down is the single player modes duration. I finished the game on the hardest difficulty in under 5 hours.... seriously... $100 for less than 5 hours.... I certainly made up for the lack of content in single player by thrashing out 50+ hours in multi-player but that is not why I buy the COD games.
A short but great story, great graphics and standard multiplayer feature.
Grab it if it's on special, don't pay full price or you will kick yourself for it.