Multiplayer needs work. But apart from that, this is a fairly enjoyable game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
This game started out getting universally praised as if it was a gift from the gods. But now, most people seem to hate this game. I can understand why they do, but in my opinion I enjoyed this game. Sure it's not as good as the other call of duties but it's still enjoyable.

-These visuals are losing their touch. I mean it still looks good in terms of graphics, but it's the same damn thing as call of duty 4. Once again, they're aren't ugly visuals by any means, but they aren't as cutting edge as they used to be.

SOUND 9/10
-I must say, the sound presentation is pretty good. The voice acting does get the job done, and the music is really good. It plays the right sounds at the right time. The explosion and gun sound effects are also top notch. So they did a great job with the sound.

STORY 8/10
-The plot itself is once again isn't anything great. It's very similar to the plot in cod4. It's also needlessly complicated in some areas. But in terms of characters, it's great and the campaign itself is fantastic. It's very engaging and suspenseful. You are always gonna be like "omg is he gonna die?" or "Omg you killed him I wanna kill you now!" it has a lot of fun moments.

-The gameplay plays very solid like it always has in the call of duty games. At least in the campaign and spec ops. But the problem is that it's the same damn thing as cod4. There isn't any change in terms of physics and engine. Some the new weapons are kind of cool though. I already talked about the awesome campaign so there is no need to repeat myself.

Spec ops is also great fun. But only if you have a friend to play with. It's the same deal as in left 4 dead. Without a buddy, you aren't getting the full meat of it. What makes it better with a buddy is the teamwork you use. The missions are hard as hell to play by yourself. There are some frustrating parts but once you get all 69 stars, you'll feel like a pro.

Now multiplayer...oh god. The multiplayer is the reason why everyone hates this game and I myself don't like the multiplayer either. It started out good, but that was because no one had access to those overpowered perks. The guns are also overpowered. Pistols can be almost as effective as sniper rifles in this game. There are also a crapload of camping spots and there are even some glitched places that IW won't even patch. That and that extremely overpowered perk called commando. The only thing I've seen IW do to fix the multiplayer is reduce the power of the model 1887s. But there is so much more to fix.

But I think that campaign and spec ops rescue this game. So if you can look past the multiplayer, then you should enjoy this game.