Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is bogged down my a lame campaign and having no meat.

User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PS3
The problem with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a problem that I wish games like this would not have. Its campaign was not great. The story was stupid, why it is that the United States and Russia must always fight when thinking up World War III and doomsday scenarios is something I'll never understand.

I mean, the game play is perfectly fine despite some annoying problems with people randomly showing up behind you and knifing you, it seems like the developers are shoving a middle finger in your face when killing you for stupidly like that.

I literally groaned when I saw the burning down, destroyed Washington D.C. In what should have been a jaw dropping moment, I ended up just wishing they hadn't done it. I'm sure many people would have found running through a crumbling D.C fun, but to me it was something that was too stupid.

The major plot twist of the campaign was also pretty dumb. And then to top it all off, it ends in a cliffhanger because God forbid we tie up the five hour campaign. This is the weakest campaign mode of any Call of Duty.

After you finish the weak campaign, you can play through a sort of challenge mode that is really not that exciting and then the meat of the game, the multiplayer. To me, it is not that great. It feels like every other military first person shooter and has no defining qualities.

This game is a rent. Unless you are a hardcore multiplayer person, this game serves only to prove that many franchises are more worried about their multiplayer than a solid single player campaign.

While I will say that single player wise this is better than Halo, multiplayer wise Halo is much more fun.

A 7/10