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User Rating: 5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC
first, sorry for my bad english, i try as hard as i can to make you understand, im not an english person

this game was too overrated, think about it guys. i doubt many of you would agree with my review because you are rich guys, but for a simple guy like me, i prefer a FPS game that cost less than 30 bucks but has a good content. I give it 5.0 score cos it's not worth the price at all, omg 59.99$ for a 6-hour campaign and sucks multi-player, CODMW2 has less dedicated server so you stuck with this annoying-repetitive-boring campaign. If you want good multi-player gaming life and buy this game, DREAM ON MANN! =)

also, the hackers is filling up every single server and it's very harassing most of the online players especially noobs =P, i suppose to buy this game for its good online-playing experience (because i thought it has good-hack-protection) not the stupit single-player (since many cheap FPS game has a good SP) if this game priced for $30, that will worth the price and i give it 9.0 score

sorry Infinity Ward/Activision but this game sucks with a capital fail