This game is an awesome game overall, very good weapons and story, I also love the betrayals that occur in the game.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
This Call of Duty game is by far an excellent one. The campaign is amazing, but what I didn't like is that it was a lot too short, when the credits showed up on my screen my mouth dropped. I don't know what to say about that, but I guess they were focussed more on the multi-player which was awesome by the way, and just didn't really want to get down to the campaign and work on it all that hard. The campaign was great overall, but I hope the next Call of Duty game they make has a longer campaign mode. Now, about the multi-player. Those of you who want to know how the multi-player of this game just one very simple word...awesome. I love the multi-player in this game, they have much more weapons and attachments and I was surprised to see the AK-47 as the last weapon to unlock. One of my all time favorite attachments is the heart beat sensor, which is like a portable radar attached to your weapon that shows you where a nearby enemy is. What I also like, but I don't like when someone is using it against me is the thermal scope which helps you detect enemies through a scope and they are shown as white, this is very useful when your enemies or team deploys a smoke grenade because you can see right through the smoke and detect your enemies easily. There are many more weapons and attachments that I still have to unlock, there are also some new kill streak advantages such as the nuke! That is the last one to be unlocked, if unlocked and you get a kill streak of twenty-six, you can launch the nuke, kill everybody including your team mates and you (or so I heard), but you still get a automatic win. There are titles and emblems, these are pictures (or so to speak) that other people can see beside your username. You'll know what I mean if you play online. So, all in all the game is great, the campaign is great as well, but is a bit too short (just a heads up that I beat it in four hours to tell you how short it is). Anyways if you don't have this game on your rack right now, then wake up and smell the coffee and go get one.