How did Gamespot give this game a 9? Seriously, it's all hype, horrible hit detection and unplayable online. Just crap.

User Rating: 6.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PS3
Graphics: They look good but I remember Modern Warfare 2 looking better.

Gameplay: Same control scheme as MW2. Believe it or not the hit detection is even worse than MW2, aim at thier hips or waist and somehow get a head shot, shoot him in the head, he'll live. It's very bad in this game. In the campaign the hit detection is fine though.

Campaign: It's pretty short. You play as Mason, being interogated for information. I wont say what for because it will spoil the story. All in all it's okay. The levels seem fun and playing in Viet Nam is a blast. Killing Nazi's is always a plus as well.

Online: Horrible. The hit detection is awful, sometimes bullets will seem to curve around corners to hit you. Sometimes you just need to hit the atmosphere around an enemy. The knife is terrible in this game as well. Panic knifers always get you but when you look at the kill cam, you'll notice the knife doesnt even make contact with you. Somehow blood will just shoot out of the air when you get killed by a knife that never stabbed you.
This game is also over-populated with campers. It's very irritating when you constantly get popped by the guy in the corner with claymores or motion detectors when walking into a room. Not to mention, this game seems like it was made for campers. When you first get online you will be dropped into a game thats already in progress. Seriously, of all the millions of people that play this abomination they cant find a game tahts just starting? This irritates me because you always get dropped into a game where you are put on a losing team.
The maps are okay in this game. I hate nuke town, but all the otehr seems fine to me, some may be a little too big. Players now have the option to vote what map to play much like in Halo 3. Problem is you often have to play the same map twice in a row.
Killstreaks: Some seem just like MW2 with the exception of the attack dogs and RC Car.
Perks: I HATE perks. For real, what ever happened to the first person shooters that was just me versus you with only our guns and skill? Perks make this game even worse. Campers use ghost and remain undetectable, almost everyone uses 2nd Chance. You should'nt have to kill someone twice, and if you do it should count as 2 kills.

I guess all the COD fanboys will rate this review bad because this is "Thier Game" but this game is garbage, a FPS that doesnt really require skill online, just cheap weapons, cheap perks and cheap tactics.

If you want a good FPS I suggest you look somewhere else.