a pretty fun game but come on 4 games on the same engine is pushing it!

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
Call of Duty is a shadow of what the series once was. I feel the lack of innovation and just cashing in on the same engine over and over is getting old. The additions they have added over the last two installments have only detracted from the game. Call of Duty 4 still the best by far and world at war was fine because it went back to world war 2 with the call of duty 4 engine. Then you have modern warfare 2 and black ops that just make the idea of war totally unrealistic. If you are into arcade versions of warfare the cod is your style. The Battlefield series is now the top war simulator in my opinion.

Black ops single player however i found quite entertaining although it kept the same kind of level format. But the story had more twists and turns than the previous installments. The length is about the same as the rest, anywhere from 5 to 10 hours long. A fun single player that is worth renting if you are not interested in the mulitiplayer aspect of the game.

Zombie mode while fun, I just did not get the same enjoyment out of it as i did with world at war. Getting to play with some of the ex-presidents was a treat and quite amusing. The zombie mode will keep you entertained for a while if you have some friends to play with and find out all the little tricks to be able to survive.

The multiplayer like mw2 again should have went with the less is more approach. While they did fix things like commando and one man army they still left alot of unrealistic aspects to the game. The pro perks and the kill streaks have went entirely to far. With lightweight you can fall off the top of a building and not get hurt which is just stupid. Marathon again allows you 2 run continuous which again is not realistic. The chopper gunner and gunship and again make it a glory hog kind of game and not team oriented. Like I have said in my past cod reviews i dont point these out because i am not good at the game. Actually my k/d ratio is the highest it has been yet (2.96). My biggest problem with the mp is there is no penalty for using ghost. So the game encourages camping in my opinion more than the rest because you can no longer go on the hunt when you call a uav. Also with all the crap flying in the air a good player is forced to pack a rocket on their back. The mp has its times where it can be quite fun but it is quickly losing its appeal.

Overall a bit better than mw2 but the developers need to quit cashing in on the same engine and build us something from the ground up. This winter i will be playing battlefield 3 and unless it is a complete bust then mw3 will not receive my hard earned money