The only recent COD game I actually liked.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PC
I'm just going to write a simple review comparing this to the other COD games. I don't see the point in actually going into detail describing all the small gaming mechanics since well, a good 90% of gamers know plenty about COD as is.

Black Ops brought fun back into Call Of Duty.
The past few games have been consistent of cheap weapons *Cough* rangers *Cough* and over powered abilities at higher levels.
This game however, evens the odds. Previously in COD games, new players could get few to no kills Online because of experienced players using cheap weapons and strategies.

Black Ops removed the cheap guns, and better yet, removed the auto aim. You now cannot get simple kills just by aiming "near" someone. You actually have to learn to aim at someone and shoot, this takes more skill than the other games and it makes it harder to get cheap kills. New players to COD will have an easier time getting kills since now there are no longer any quick scoping snipers.

Yes, the graphics have dropped in quality from MW2. However, I care little about such small changes to something so pointless.

Zombie mode is the same as WAW. People have told me WAW is better but I cannot speak on the topic as I haven't tried zombies in WAW.

Overall, most of the people who hate this game, hate it because it's not as easy to abuse weapons and ranks in this game as it was in previous titles. Otherwise I cannot think of a single reason to dislike this game when comparing it to the others. Yes this game has its share of glitches, but so did all of the other games.

My final word is that the last COD game I liked was 3. After playing this, I've changed my mind. After several titles I didn't care for, I've found one I enjoyed.

Bottom line, the only reason this game isn't a 9.5 or 10/10 is because COD games need to stop being released every time a small change is made. The past few games have all been the same title with different maps. Poorly thought out short campaigns and just an obviously half-assed attempt at trying something new.