same old COD, completely out of place weaponry, poor game mechanics. treyarch fails again.

User Rating: 2 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PC
from start to finish this game is nothing new, nothing groundbreaking. from using weapons that according to the game time line haven't even been created yet, the under-barrel flamethrower (really treyarch... really.). to the terribad game play mechanics and story (yay i was brainwashed with a old guy and numbers!).
the 1 and only high point of this entire game was the after game mini game playing as the president in a zombie attack

treyarch should really open a history book or atleast google to see what would have been available at that time line rather than just throw in weapons that have no relevance or dont even belong at all in the game timeline.
the NPCs were very bland, the action was the same as all the others, go here, kill them, get shot 50 times, hide for 5 seconds to get health back, go run and kill more, the vehicle scenes are even worse than they were in the other COD titles (yes a lever action shot gun on a motorcycle... are we the terminator?).

all in all, if your expecting just another pointless COD that will fade away in a few months if that, then you will be happy with this. if your expecting something new... well.. sorry.. this game fails ALMOST as bad as MW2 did.