I cannot express how much this game was not what i expected

User Rating: 5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
Call of Duty: Black Ops the first installment in the series of COD to completely blow! from the sounds of the weapons, to the far fetched campaign and zombies with that bleeding into the multiplayer made this game to a gun nut like me a huge dissapointment. I remember thinking to myself awesome! it's going to be like COD 5 in Vietnam with stealthy gory traps and awesome Rambo moments! but no, it's turns out to be a completely unrealistic take on covert missions taking place in the cold war. Although you get a few good moments on the short time your in vietnam. Then there's the weapons, WTF?! COMMANDO, really treytech or activision or whoever the hell made COD cheap and worthless. The sounds and realism of MW2, COD 4 and WAW were completely thrown away and replaced by the most poor quality imaginable for firearms. They say a shooter is as only good as it's weapons, and the weapons were complete crap. I understand 80% of the people who play COD have probably never fired a gun or hunted. But, believe me when i say Black Ops is not realistic in the slightest. At least compare this to COD 5: WAW. That game was GREAT. the weapons were superb and the blood didn't look like i was playing the PS2 version. And then there's the zombies... sigh yeah, black ops made zombies easier and gave you the ability to jump over the crawlers, but the guns man... omg, the GUNS! they're so much more boring than original zombie weapons in COD 5. and the gas zombies.. well you can imagine what i think of those. Anyway, i try to get my friends to see from my viewpoint, but they can't, and won't because they are enslaved to Activision and will gobble whatever they throw at them. Well, here's one texan that's not buying this piece of garbage!