Really Treyarch? Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies review.

User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: Black Ops II X360

Campaign Review**: I beat the campaign on Hardened difficulty in 2 days with around 5 hours actually played on it. You have to make a lot of choices and a lot of variety with 4 different endings. I really loved the campaign but it was very short. I give the campaign an 8.5

Zombies Review**: I love zombies just like everybody that plays Treyarch's CoD games, but there are three different sections of the map you can play them all in one game mode. There should be more than 3 sections. But you can pack-a-punch guns more than once (if they're new). Zombies is more interactive than ever with the bank deposit/withdrawal, the fridge (letting you store weapons), and the finding tools to create wonder weapons and find secret places. If you buy this game for zombies. You have to get the season pass because the map packs will save zombies and treyarch always does good with them. Zombies: 9.0

Multiplayer Review**: Same old, same old. Treyarch disappointed me, unlike others I very much loved Black Ops I and their multiplayer. But this game has very big maps and are boring. They took out Nuketown 2025 by itself (this sucks for people that pre-ordered) The multiplayer is boring, slow-paced, and wash and rinse. I find the MW3's multiplayer more exciting than this. Once again the maps are TOO BIG! Multiplayer: 6.5

This is my review**