The game itself isn't too bad, the campaign is nice and lasts a small amount of hours. But multiplayer is still flawed.

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty: Black Ops II X360
I like the game, but when you play multiplayer, I'd like to play adults, not those who have their date of birth on their gamertag with 1999...proving so many kids play the game, spray and prey.

I've noticed headquarters is full of clans, which isn't helpful if you jump in a game as a randomer, along side fellow randoms and fight against an organised party.

I understand that's what Mercanary mode is for, but I've found the mode clueless and messy.

If you are a lover of the series, no doubt you'll buy the game, however to me and all my friends who buy every Call Of Duty as a social game. It's just another map pack. If Call Of Duty 4 wasn't hacked and bugged, we'd still be playing that to date.

Maps on Black Ops 2 are slightly bigger then MW3, with plenty going on at once. Long gone are the days where you can cover one area and be safe. You have height, depth and open areas to keep the game fast and crazy.