Actual Improvements? in a COD game? What?? (MP)

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops II X360
I'm sleepy, so Im gonna write this in short:
+Less campers
+New feel and improved interface
+Balanced and IMPROVED Create-a-Class
+Fun weapons are back with a bit more to them
+Pistols are better(now with a shotgun pistol!)
+Sound/Audio has a lot more realism to it(echoes, grenade booms)
+Guns actually sound like guns instead of airsoft guns now!
+Scopeless Sniper Rifle (Optional)
+Weapons have more variety and diversity (Each have more distinct attributes)
+Semi-Auto rifles have no more limit cap(I think)
+New Background music (dubstep, but its not bad)
+Improved Combat Training and local multiplayer
the not so good:
-Graphics look like a Free to Play game
-I get killed in 2 shots, enemy takes 8 and lives (connection problems)
-Still no dedicated servers.
-Still same core gameplay(aim and shoot, not much recoil)

Overall, I think this is the most balanced and 2nd most fun Call of Duty next to COD4.

Leave it to Treyarch to bring new ideas.
and Leave IW.
.. Yeah, JUst leave, IW.
IW just copies and pastes with nothing new but imbalances to the MP.