Not the best multiplayer but damn near close.

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
I'm not gonna spend a lot of time talking in detail in about COD4's multiplayer or singleplayer because unless you've been living in a bomb shelter since 1950-something you know what the deal is........experience. COD4's online is all about experience, it's singleplayer is all about kicking Russian ass or Middle Eastern ass. Honestly in all my playtime (8 days on the multiplayer,10-15 singleplayer) it seems Infinity Ward was much more focused on the singleplayer aspect of COD4. COD4's campaign is extremely trilling and fun the first time through especially a sneaking/sniping mission called "All Ghillied Up", however it's quite short and has little replay value.

Of course, everyone bought COD4 for it's online and this is where the game is truly at. It's a very odd multiplayer because it's very inconsistent. There's a ton of random problems that haven't been fixed(nearly 2 years later). You'd think IW would fix the problems in their original game before moving onto a sequel. The randomness I referring to of course is the frag spamming, poorly done spawn system, **** killcam, terrible matchmaking and poor balancing of perks. If you've played COD4 to any extend and are somewhat good at it, you definitely know what I'm talking about. A HUGE plus to the multiplayer would be to a have game type where there's no perks or special grenades. This way it would actually take skill to play COD4 besides good luck and tactics. I have a lot of gripes with this game and before you say "o, u sux @ c0D4 dats y u dunt liek it!!11" STFU, my K/D ratio is 2.15 and my accuracy is over 20%. However there's really no multiplayer experience that beats COD4 when you're destroying the enemy team and running'n gunning:D No one forgets their first 20-25 kill streak or even 30 kill streak. Call of Duty 4 is a great game but it could have been so much more.

BTW, you noobs that are Gold Crossers stop using the M16 w/RDS Frag x3, Stopping Power and Martyrdom. You're not good, you have no skill, you suck! Thank you :D