BEST COD EVER MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
STORY: The story is there's a war in the middle-east and you have to stop these terrorists: Khaled Al- Asad, Zakhaev, Zakhaev's son and they all die. The game starts you off with the S.A.S. and you do a mission on a cargo ship, after that, that's where it gets intense.

GAMEPLAY: This is probably the smoothest gameplay i have ever seen in my life! Graphics are amazing, guns sound devestating and voice acting is great.

MULTIPLAYER: THE BEST ONLINE GAME PERIOD!!!!! In online, you earn experience points and customize your weapons with camo, red dot sight, grip, acog scope and an M203 grenade launcher. You can earn promotions and you also have these challenges like, for example: 150 Headshots, you earn Red Tiger Camo. The perks are awesome too. They're these power ups you can get like: Drop a grenade when you die,stuff like that.

CAMPAIGN: Campaign is really short(21missions, should take you 30-50 minutes to finish. It's a really powerful campaign that will keep you addicted. So yea BEST COD EVER!!!!!!! GOOD JOB INFINITY!