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User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Wow call of duty is already at number 4. The game is fantastic in visuals, sound, and immersiveness. Any First person shooter fan should pick this game up. The game is the first in the series to actually go modern (It's about freaking time). Don't get me wrong WWII games are fun, but how many of them do we really need? This game finally pulls us out of the trenches, and places us into the deserts. And now the only negative I found in the game, the sniper rifles are not balanced, I feel in order to get a clean kill a person needs to not use the center of the scope, but pull to the left or right. Everything else in the game in beautifully done, the weapons feel real and the action is intense.Multiplayer is the key winner here, because the game allows you to kick the guy that is being a little punk ( thank the heavens.)Multiplayer also has an incentive, like upgrading your weapons, and challenges that you can unlock for perks. Perks consist of things like having 3 grenades instead of one, or the ability to have more ammo. Infinity ward I salute you on this game, just keep it in the modern times now, ok...goooooooood.