No word can discribe how much this game pushed fps games forward...just amazing work from iw

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC
Call of duty4 is probably one of the best fps games.It brought so much new stuff to the genre.
Singleplayer was like playing really succeeded James Bond game.
I enjoyed every cent of it.
Landing down from helicopter to the batllefield is so epic.
Stealth missions,chaseings and striaght forward battles against huge number of enemys.
Multiplayer was all so great.Even though the guns are not that balanced.For example ak47 is highly overpowered but it doesnt dominate too much.
Perks,killstreaks and gun customize all were just amazing.
The pc versio suffers a bit from the hackers(not seen to many but still)and for the servers.
I personaly enjoyed more the "find game"system.
Now theres still lots of players in it and i think there will be for long time as there is still in the cod2.
This game has proven that theres allways something new to add on games.