Isn't is great as most people hype it up to be! Decent at best!

User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC
BF2142 is a better fps modern war combat multiplayer in my opinion and its over a year old. A lot of the features from cod4 are taken strait from bf 2142 (the UAV, the map looks identical to BF, air strikes, the ranking system, pointing out enemies and more) plus there's no drivable vehicles in cod4. In bf 2142 you can do everything in cod4 times two. The single player is too short and the multiplayer is nothing I havent seen before,it left me just wanting more out of it, like customizable classes or dog tags when you knife someone or a longer single player! Its a good game to say the least! Not great like all these wanna be console gamers make it out to be! True hardcore pc fps gamers laugh at a game like this(becuase its hyped so much), with a half ass single player and a multiplayer that has nothing new top offer. Im telling you if your looking for intense war action, you should play 2142 in a full server of 64 people, with an actual front lines and many vehicles including walkers, tanks, apc's and battle choppers, air stikes, uav's, and eveyone with there own costumized class and a squad system that cant be beat because you can only chat with your squad and the squad leader can chat with the commander makes for some serious strategy, and so much more, theres just so much to do in bf! it doesnt get any closer to modern combat! and still lookes way better on my pc than cod4 does on my xbox360(which is hooked up to hdmi on a 52" dlp)- the textures are seriously like four years old and wheres the real physics? I like to see bodies flying higher than buildings hahah GO GO GO! FRAG OUT! ENEMY INFANTRY SPOTTED! MAN DOWN! BFF- battlefield forever!