Multiplayer will rip your FACE OFF... its that good

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC
Multiplayer in Call of Duty 4 is one of the best shooters out there.
The intense 40 on 40 online play is absolutely made for your money.
Reasons why you should buy this game:

-Amazing Single Player (short though)
-Sound is great!
-Graphics are up to date compared to games nowa' days.
-Mulitplayer is the best online experience you will ever have
-Lan games are amazing to shoot your friends
-You will get ADDICTED (maybe thats a bad thing lol)
-The weapons are very balanced
-Perks make this game NUTS.
-You will make your friends jealous if you buy it. XD

But overall this package is absolutely what you are looking for if you are a fan of 1st person shooters and even strategy games.

I recommend this to everyone that wants the best for their money.

SirRenolds14 LVL 55