Everything Call of Duty fans want and more.

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
This game is just amazing in every regard Graphics Sound Gameplay and its value. SIngleplayer: Its fun while it lasts its not very long but i have been replaying Missions sence i finished the game. It goes between 2 soldiers and your basically goin around blowing stuff up and killing alot........alot of people tryin to kill you Multiplayer: Now on my Xbox 360 i got Number 2 and 3 and played em NEVER did Multiplayer until i get this on my PS3 i play its Multiplayer for atleast 2 Hours and then i say to myself holy crap this is so damn fun! It is a very well made Game that should be checked out to Diehards and new commers buy it