call of duty 3

User Rating: 8.4 | Call of Duty 3 X360
call of duty 3 is call of duty 2 with updated graphics and more nazi killing levels. i particalarly like this game because for one i thought that the achievements were right on, none (on single player) too hard to get although some can be too easy i found myself getting achievements i didnt know exised actually witch isnt bad but, havent really had that happen alot. now for the online play i actually trieds to join a few matches after beating the game but it gave me a hard time and the online achievements take alot of devotion considering half the time it dosent work. and i played multiplayer locally and it wasnt really good anyway so, not much to say about online play. well thats call of duty 3 for ya and overall its a good game i would say rent it, not buy it (i finished story in a few hours)