I'm very impressed

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 2 PC
Call of Duty 2 is a FPS for PC. You will play as a variety of soldiers. A Russian civilian who has taken up arms. An American corporal, a British tank commander and others. You will also have a huge range of World War 2 weapons. Kar 98's, Thompson submachine guns and more. I find two things that make this game incredibly fun to play. One is the controls. They are so smooth and easy to use. It proves a FPS can have good controls. Second is just how intense it is. There are many moments where you are desperately trying to hold your position under wave after wave up German soldiers, just hoping your reinforcements come soon. Or playing a game of cat and mouse with enemy snipers, not knowing when you might find a bullet lodged in you temple. Nearly everything in this game is executed flawlessly. Everywhere you look you see allied and enemy soldiers alike. You really feel like you're a small part of a huge war. That's what I like about the Call of Duty series. Medal of Honor games made you feel like a spy, not a grunt soldier. Anyways, you won't be selling this game to your used game store soon, because you have four difficulties and 27 levels to conquer. The graphics in this game are amazing. You can see specks of dirt on the faces of your fellow soldiers. You will see splashes of blood when you hit a Nazi with a bullet. It's not too gory, but it looks good. Sound is great as well. All of the explosions and weapons look great. And the Nazis will scream in German, making for a more enjoyable experience. So, in conclusion, this is a fantastic game, worthy of sitting on your game shelf.