Another well-designed WWII based shooter.

User Rating: 9.1 | Call of Duty 2 X360
What more can I say? Call of Duty 2 is just another well-designed WWII based shooter. This game stands toe to toe with its PC predecessor, and its just plain awesome. The game is about WWII. You play as a Russian soldier, a British soldier and an American soldier. But you all have something in common: fighting against the axis. Whether you are a sniper, a tough-as-nails soldier or someoone who likes to hide behind cover and let your buddies do all the work, you play against a very well designed AI. They're tough, and certainly won't let you get close to crack their skull in with the butt of your Tommy gun (or whatever you're holding in your hand).

All in all, Call of Duty 2 is just another great game that should be enjoyed. the multiplayer is also great, though only 8 people can play in it. But still, very addictive and very good game this is. Enough said.