great for fans of previous caesar games

User Rating: 8.8 | Caesar IV PC
the goods:
-has a lot of variety to city management.
-easy to follow beginners tutorial
-just as addictive as previous caesar games
-excellent building designs
-high replay value

the bads:
-awful camera controls
-menu interface becomes annoying and "in the way" at times
-a little buggy
-small maps (land feels clustered)
-huge learning curve for someone who's never played str city builders
-buildings are difficult to place sometimes

noticeable changes from C3:
-3d engine
-3 kinds of houses which all advance differently
-3 different types of citizens with dif social status
-more options in the council
-overall game is more difficult

other thots:
-remember for a game like this the larger, more advanced a city u build, the more computer power you will need to run at a playable framerate. game not recommended for computers with less than 64mb of video memory.