This game is simply excellent

User Rating: 9.2 | Caesar IV PC
This game is just excellent. when you first see the main-manu of the game, it is simple yet the background looks like kinda old school, (actually the game in general is kinda looks old school which makes this game interesting.) it somewhat reminds me of the Caesar III.
When you go into the game as scenario, you can choose 2 missions. i think it was vary smart thinking when they made that. it makes many outcoms and variety.
Actual game playing needs some advanced thinking even if it is just a start. for example, i had hard time defining tax, resource, city planning, and service placement. most of the games that is historic-based don't require much thinking, but i think this game needs more thinking which makes things interesting. Con was that mouse control and graphic. although you get used to it, but it is still not in detail, and it is crappy. i think gamespy got right about poor animation because it doesn't show much animation as Civcity Rome, but it is still fair enough.