Game looks and sounds great with only one major flaw...

User Rating: 5.5 | C.O.R.E. DS
C.O.R.E. is a game that puts you right into the action no tutorial. Just a simple backstory. However since I just started this game I will just give you a quick over view of the gameplay from level one. (Which I have died many times at medium setting.) Ok the gameplay is simple all you really do is try to get to the next level without being killed by robots or these other humans that some how hate you. This game has amazing sound effects like when you shoot from the pistol to the sound of you sub machine gun. Also the music has sort of a shooting type game of tone to it. Yes this game would be perfect except for three major flaws. The fewest being that the game can be quite challenging when you first start on medium. The second the low amount of 250 ammo for your sub machine gun and how hard it is to find health or ammo packs. Finally the last flaw which causes the other two flaws is simply the controls. Let me put it this way. If your right handed you use X to crouch and R go into aim mode. Now this can be very confusing if you have played a lot of call of duty and metroid. Also your guessing how do I run. Well I don't know if you unlock it later. But its just holding down up and you don't even run that fast. The only good thing they have is jump which you can use the B button for (which sucks) or you could just double tap the touch screen. So final thoughts on my first impression of this game.

Good things:
Nice looking robots and people to shoot.
Sound is fantastic.
Left hand setting.

Bad things:
Horrible control layout.
Challenging at beginning.

Things I will review later:

Please note this is only a review of my first impression of the game I will right a seperate review later.