Buzz Off I already know most of the questions on movies.

User Rating: 6.5 | Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz PS2
Like Singstar and Guitar Hero, SONY have brought The Buzz series to Playstation with a ton of questions on your knowledge on caturagoies like sports, gerneral, music or school. Based on Movies your in a TV show where Buzz gives you a ton of question to answer and try and win the show.

Gameplay= Using the Buzz mote like a TV remote the big red button is to start the game and you got 4 colour buttons s well blue,green,orange and yellow. There are sections on movies like Movies in the 80's, 90's or based on a genre like action or family. Your mostly answering the right questions in order to ger points to win or try and knock other players off the game. There is sudden death where a pie will be throwen in someone's face near the end of the show you need to try and hit the other players to stay in the show. Many charcters to choose from and chooseing your Buzz noise like you can have an elephant noise if you press the coloured buttons or a car noise you can choose what ever you like.

Graphics and Sound= Not bad for a PS2 game since its a party game it looks decent but not new mostly all the graphics from the last Buzz games transfered onto anathor game, with many charcters to choose from you can select an evil genius, a disco person or a fashion woman and each other the charcters have there own emotions if they get the answers correct or wrong. Sounding is mostly random what ever you choose as a noise to answer a question or you hear the auddience in the background clapping or Buzz and Rose telling you about the show and what you will be doing in different rounds.

Overall= Good game to play with your friends if your into Movies or your doing a Media course at college yes it can help you boost your knowledge on actors and film years. There's no point buying more controllers with game if you already got controllers from the last game or unless you want more players. There is no story your just in a show based on films, if your just playing this by yourself there not much point playing or unless there's online for it but there isn't, you can use Eyetoy to see yourself in the game if you have got an Eyetoy for your PS2. You may want to check it out if you got friends who are into party games.