The worst "burnout" game ever done!

User Rating: 3 | Burnout Revenge PS2
Well, I dont know where to start. I say, this is the worst burnout game ever done, because this is a classic EA game. Just like EA ruined Need for speed series, they did it to burnout with "revenge" game. First of all I want to talk about the game's bugs.... Yes the game is full of bugs! Unbelievable, but while racing suddenly something happens and your car starts to fly! On empty space... And crash cams... AI is awfull! Enemy cars always stuck in some places, crash to walls because of that EA did a cheap trick. They suddenly dissapear and appear in the middle of the road... Well try to do a take down, the crash cam is too bad, after you watched the "takedown action" you find yourself in front of a bus, infront of a wall or something like that, or you find yourself flying in empty space... Tottaly unfinished game, thanks to EA... Second is "cars!" Why all the cars are same of each other? There are few different cars, and other unlockable cars are all same of those basic cars. Protype, modified versions of them... Different color, 10MHP faster...thats all... And special cars? They are awfull, some of the special cars are just the same of each other with different names and different color. For example EA racer and Criterion racer is the same car!!! Why they didnt spend sometime to design new cars? Its a racing game!!!! What about the racing tracks? They are the same of each other.... There are few racing tracs, after a while you start to find yourself racing again and again on the same road, forward and reverse!!!! Imagine doing the same thing all the time for hours.... Another cheap EA trick, by making players to race on the same track reverse and forward, they survived of designing new tracks. By the way, all tracks are full of bugs!!!! You can suddenly find yourself crushed to "something/nothing".... a bug, an unfinished texture or a missing part.... So watch out! :) I had to memorize buggy places on tracks to get gold medal! Well, and one more thing, musics are soooooo boring!!!!!! The only main theme is the "break in through" from The Doors, but EA couldnt spend some money for the original song, and they bought a very cheap remix of it.... oh my god!!! Listening those boring songs, again and again... racing on the same tracks, doing the same things....

What about the game play? The game is soooo easy... I must say. Why? Because there is "traffic checking!" Whats that? You can hit cars from behind and earn boost by that! So you dont even need to use the "wrong side" of the road. I think EA wanted more "younger players" to buy this game :) Imagine how it ruined the soul of burnout.... There is there is no traffic danger, only lots of graphic bugs and glitches are the problem :) What about the events? They are the same of each other!!! No kidding... you will realize that you are doing the same thing over and over, on the same tracks with same cars... Cars with only different colours.... Crash cars are awfull, no big rigs, buses or something... And there are few original cars, others are the wrecked and brand new version of each others.... For example an old looking sport car, and a newly coloured sport car :) Same of each other :) And burning laps, they are sooo easy, if only there were no bugs and glitches on the tracks, you could finish them without crushing in one try! Timing is "long enough" even if you do "few crushes"...

Any good sides of the game? Well after all this is burnout! Great graphics! :) And great "speed feeling" one more time... And there is challange books, by completing those challanges you can earn "cars" :) For example "finishing a race without crushing".... The rating system is a good idea, it makes you drive dangerously, even if you get gold, a bad rating is not enough to complete the game.... But the best side of the game is multiplayer! I mean, if you have two gamepads, you will enjoy sooo much! Forget about the bugs, other stuffes, multiplayer is fun with your friends!!! Its tottaly a good game for playing with your friends together, but sooo boring in single player. I completed the game %100 and finished all the challanges, did all signature take downs, had the all cars...and belive me it was a waste of time... Also I really got frusterated to see all those advertisements around the tracks, on the cars, forexample there is a "Logitech World Racer!" Dude!!!! Come on! Whats next, A Mcdonald's car?