A nice reboot to the Burnout series!

User Rating: 8.5 | Burnout Paradise X360
This is certainly a step in a different direction for the Burnout series. You'll probably notice this immediately with the huge, open map which you can drive across freely and participate in races and other events. Graphics are definitely up to par and the large selection of cars should keep you competing for a long time. It also has an online component, though I never played it much it is great fun and a good laugh. Race with others, play smash-up derby, you name it.

Another kind of "cool" aspect that adds a tad of realism to the game is the billboards around the city: they have real ads on them, which you can purchase somewhere online. Nothing like seeing an ad for a big mac while cruising around ;)

Unfortunately the approach Criterion took with this game makes me think this is perhaps the end of the Burnout series.

All around a good reboot and great fun.