Apart from an easy platinum and a fun multiplayer, this game is miles from the early burnout titles.

User Rating: 7.5 | Burnout Paradise PS3
Burnout paradise is the first burnout title to appear on the ps3 and although it's still packed with ultra fast cars that get smashed to smithereens, there is some magic missing from this mix which is very dissapointing. Almost from the get go this game is repetitious as the open world environment gets small pretty fast as every event seems to be the same as the last. The DJ is back from TAKEDOWN but this time around he is quite annoying and limited, saying the same thing over and over and the soundtrack felt seriously dated as it's basically a collection of most of the weaker tracks from other burnout games, although this doesn't matter all that nuch as you have the option to turn them off and play your own music saved on your ps3 HDD.
The options menus are not as intuituve as they could have been and are confusing for the most part leaving you to feel around in the dark wondering what to do. What else? Well while I'm on the bad I might as well mention that although burnout on the ps2 meant great graphics, unfortunately the same can't be said for the current generation. At least it has a solid framerate dor the speed that it goes but loading times are slightly long if you wish to restart a race among other instances. Another gripe is that there are no more cool aftertouch takedowns and the crash events are gone, replaced by a shallow, unstrategic load of crap that feels like an add on where you literally just drive your upside down vehicle all round the streets crashing into things for points.
The good, yes there is some good, is that when you ARE having fun with the game it really delivers, but only masks the boredom that sets in for a little while. Where this game really shines though is the online multiplayer, which seems that was where the devs really put all the muscle and creativity and where you'll have the most fun, especially if you have a headset and a playstation eye (you'll also need the eye to get the platinum, be warned!) but if you don't have an online connection then I just don't see this game as more than a weekend rent.