Bully is a good game that changes things up just right to make a kids version of GTA.

User Rating: 8.5 | Bully PS2
(+) good visuals, hard to put down while playing, fun missions to play through.

(-) some classes are very difficult

Bully's story starts out as Jimmy Hawkins being sent to a boarding school named Bullworth Academy were he will have to make new friends and meet new foes. Gary a student that wants to be your friend at the beginning will teach the basics of the game then you are on your own to complete the game missions, past classes, do things for people ect. You will have to go to two classes each say but, I have completely pass one of the classes you won't have to go to that class anymore.

There are many different social groups in the school jocks are athletic and dumb, bullys are big and dumb, preps just think they are so important, and nerds are about as nerdy as they can be. As you progress throughout the game you gain respect with bullys and they will no longer bother you any more. Jimmy can acquire tools to help him fight back against his attackers because each class you take has a useful reward for completing them they are not required to get through the game but, they sure make the game a lot easier. He can also learn wrestling moves from a homeless if you bring him what he wants which the moves can be quite useful also.

When you do something bad in Bullworth Academy they will send perfects after you to put you into justice you can escape there grip with low heat level but, if you have red heat level then when they grab you they will bust you automatically. At the beginning of the game you have to go change into the school uniform but, after you do so you can change your clothing into whatever you like and they will not say anything about it.

Bully is a good game it is hard to put down, looks good, the characters have a lot of personality, and the game has quite a decent length to it so it would be a good buy for just about anyone definitely for those that are a fan of GTA because this game did not let the Rockstar Games name down.