Bully is a game that you will get into quickly and fastly, if your a fan of the free roamers or Rockstar Series..

User Rating: 7.9 | Bully PS2
Bully, a game that takes place at Bullworth Acadamy, a place full of jocks, geeks and bullies. You play as 15-year-old Jimmy Hopkins, a troubled schoolboy who must defend himself against other bullies. You will have to choose which group you will hang out with, geeks or jocks. These game's missions are relativly easy, in my opinon. The free roam option around the school and outside town is actually a pretty good idea. It has a Grand Theft Auto feeling with the free-roaming options. The graphics are pretty cool, especially the school and outside town design and the characters are pretty good looking, you can tell Rockstar has put alot into this game. But overall, Bully is a game that is worth playing and if you a fan of Rockstar, it is really easy to get into.. --Warplay3r--