This game is the best game i played.

User Rating: 10 | Bullet Witch X360
Not only it is amazingly fun, the girl is hot, the spells are awesome and also easy achievements what more could you ask for i love this game! It is super awesome and kinda hard at the same time maybe short but that doesn't matter it is super fun to play over and over! ESPECIALLY when you put it to bullet for my valentine,the poison it is so awesome! I recommend this game for everyone! You get to use powerful spells and awesome guns especially the Gatling gun. Then the shotgun is awesome damn this game is FRICKIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So this game is highly recommended from me don't listen to gamespot they are the most critic place i've ever seen no offense so i say get this game and after you finished it put it to music it's awesome like i say all the time, but i can't help it when it's an awesome game.