A game with cool ideas but not there yet.

User Rating: 5.5 | Bullet Witch X360
Graphics - 6/10
If your a person that goes for games that are "whoa look at the graphics!", then Bullet Witch may not be your cup of tea. It may be slightly better then a game running on the older Xbox. Lightning and contrast in this game are rather well done, but characters in Bullet Witch may look dull at times.

Gameplay - 5/10
Just your average 3rd person shooter with some cool ideas. In Bullet Witch you are able to cast magic and deal massive destructions, which are flashy and cool to watch, but gameplay gets repitative after 2 hours into the game.

Sound - 8/10
Bullet Witch has some amazing sound effects and soundtracks, from the voice overs (Alicia has a sexy voice) to the sounds effets of gun shots. The enemies you might encounter throughout the game has some unique lines too, like " Please...I still have a family to feed!" , before you blow him into pieces.

Overall Bullet Witch is quite an unique game that needs more effort and work on it. Hopefully it won't dissapoint us gamers if there's a sequel coming out, errrr..i mean if there's one.