Was only one guy working on this...??

User Rating: 6 | Bullet Witch X360
First of all i did not buy this game for the retail price and i do not condone anyone buying this game for that of anything above £15... and thats even pushing the boundry there.


In 2013, a young woman named Alicia enters an unnamed coastal eastern United States city, carrying a magical weapon shaped like a broomstick that can change weapon form as well as allow her to cast magic spells. A voice called the Darkness speaks to her, telling her that the city is doomed, but she strives on to save the humans from the Geist forces. She manages to make her way to a commander of the last of the human armed forces, who requests that she offer her powers to help save mankind. Alicia and the troops flee underground when one of the greater demons, Omega, appears and cannot be harmed by bullets or magic. When they make it back to their underground base, he gives her part of a journal, written by an archaeologist that appears to have lost a loved one in a plane crash in 2006, and traveled to a remote village to perform a sacrifice to return that person to life. From this, the humans have determined the cause of the demon infestations, as the archaeologists' self-sacrifice opened up the gateway for the demons. Alicia and the human troops take a cargo plane to the humans' base near this village, though the plane is attacked midflight by a huge flying demon that Alicia is able to stop, but not before it damages the plane's engines and they are forced to land a short distance from the headquarters.

After rescuing the surviving humans to headquarters and defending the base from Geist attacks from the air, Alicia is flown to the closest safe drop point near the village. She works her way through the heavily-defended area, finding the altar that lead the archaeologist to this point and finally, the man himself, still alive but impaled on the opening of the demonic gateway. He possesses the other half of the journal, which reveals that Alicia is his daughter, that she did die in the plane crash and was brought back from the grave by his sacrifice but that this gave her the magical powers she possesses, and that the only way to close the gateway is to kill him completely. After stating her love for her father, she kills him.

While the gateway is closed, the demons are still in control of the world, and with the human troops, Alicia returns to the city to face Omega, this time armed with knowledge that she needs both her magic and the support of the human troops to break Omega's shield and destroy him. After a prolonged battle, they finally manage to defeat Omega, freeing one city from the demons' run, but there's still many other demons that remain in the world.

Now the story is extremely short i have to say, when i had completed the game the Jaw Dropped in pretty much disbelief. Also if the game was far better structered and paced alittle better it wouldnt of bothered me ( something like COD 4 )


The game is played as a third-person shooter, with you in control of the main character Alicia The game is played as a third-person shooter, with the player in control of Alicia and the camera nearly always over her right shoulder. Health and mana are constantly regenerating, though by taking hits and casting spells respectively, the maximum levels these will regenerate to is reduced; the maximum level for health will slowly return to maximum, while the maximum mana level must be gained by defeating foes.

After the completion of each level, the player is rated in number of kills, the number of times they had to restart from a checkpoint, and the time it took to complete the level. Better rankings lead to more skill points to be spent in unlocking spells and weapon forms and upgrading the same as well as health and mana regeneration rates between levels. These upgrades are carried over through any game mode played, thus allowing the player to build up Alicia's powers on low difficulty levels as to prepare for the higher difficulty level games.

Alicia's magic gun has four different modes. The machine gun is the default mode available at the start, and the player can use skill points to unlock the shotgun, cannon, and gatling gun modes. Alicia uses magically created ammo for each of the weapons forms, and thus only needs to have some mana available in order to reload the gun.

The player has access to 9 different spells arranged in three levels through a quick-access menu. Three of the spells must be unlocked by the player using skill points. The three most powerful spells, Lightning, Tornado, and Meteor, are unlocked through the progression of the game; these spells are also the only ones not upgradable through the skill point system.

For the most part i found the Gamneplay quite enjoyable i have to say, of course it has it problems with making some part more easy or more complicated and nessicary E.G. to use spells you need to bring up the menu then scroll to the type of magic, then scroll again to the spell you want, then wait, then it happens...


Short and sweet..

The controls were pretty simple to learn and pretty effective with the shooting and magic done with the back buttons on the 360 controller. Although i have no idea why the A button was used as a melee attack and the left trigger was used to jump, wouldn't it make far more sense to use it the other wa around???


This really doesnt need it's own segmant becuase it you own or have bought this game and actually played it, you'll see that its really not finished.

Here is a list of Glitches or problems i encountered while playing the game:

1. Extremely bad A.I. 99% of the time ( including friendly)

2. Alot of the simple spells within the game are pointless

3. Graphically it looks like it was a straight port from a PS2 game

4. You can walk through alot of objest around the game ( Tables, chairs, Small Cars)

5. Very little replay value


To conclude this game for some reason or another was clearly released buy Atari NOT FINISHED and still containing bugs and glitches, but hey!, thats Stari for you just look at Alone in the Dark.

Now i know ive been ranting on this game quite abit, however there is some sort of enjoyment to be found with the boss battles and upgrading the spells and weapons (even if not used xD ) so id give this ago if you see it in a bundle like the one i got.
5 Games for £25.

The Good:

Boss battles are well thought out
Some powerful spells are fun to use

The Bad:

Graphically not great
only about 6 hours or so of content
little replay value

The Ugly:

Crappy A.I
Mostly useless spells
Glitches Galore

Fun Fact:

The women that voices Alicia in Bullet Witch also voices ASH from pokemon in season 8 and onwards...