Game that i've never heard of.

User Rating: 6.1 | Bullet Witch X360
Before renting this game i had never heard of it. So,with all the "good" games rented out,i thought i'd try this. The story reminds me of Doom,you against a bunch of demons that made their way through some portal. The game is a standard 3rd person shooter,and you'll do little else than shoot everything that moves. I liked some of the powers you can use,and also fully destructable enviornments. The pysics in this game are excellent. I'm not sure if it's using Havok,but it sure seems like it. Graphics are good,not great but passable. Decent lighting,nice sound effects. The main problem with the game is the repetitve nature of doing nothing but shooting,but it makes for an enjoyable rental,or purchase once it drops in price.