Playing this game is like eating raw dried spagetti. Bland and boring.

User Rating: 4.5 | Bullet Run PC
After seeing a piece about this game in Gamespots Free To Play Friday article I thought I'd give this game a go. I have played other Free-To-Play shooters like Blacklight Retribution, War Inc Ghost Recon Online (beta), Tribes Ascend and enjoyed most of them.

I can be pretty short about this game; this game is bland and does nothing to let itself stand apart from the crowd.
The core of the gunplay is what you would expect from a game like this but is nothing special. The guns themselves sound like toys.

The graphics look fine, the game runs on the Unreal 3 engine, but the overall art design looks uninspired and dull. And since a lot of people don't wanna pay the relatively high price for customization you see the same character models running around and the two teams don't even get their own color appart from their names resulting in player running around in their green outfit.

Throughout the match your run of the mill commentators make comments and get on the nerves quickly.

All in all...this game is not worth your time or disc-space. Feel free to give it a go since it's free to play but there are simply better games out there that do deserve your time.