Finally something diffrent for the WW2 Shooter themed games for once and it's a good one.

User Rating: 9 | Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 PC
Gameplay: In Brothers in Arms you play as Matt Baker, a sergeant in Fox Company of the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. The game takes place over seven days, starting with the nighttime drop and ending with the action at Hill 30. Nearly all of the locations and events and characters you'll encounter in this game have been drawn from the actual experiences of the 502nd Regiment over those seven days.
Brothers in Arms is an undeniably authentic experience not like most of the medal of honor games where you are a one man army. In this game you need to look to your team to help you out. If you have allready played Full Spectrum Warrior, then you will have a general familiarity with the controls. Consequently, you can expect early missions to involve linking up with other paratroopers and taking out German defenses. From there you'll move on to clearing out towns, blowing bridges, and keeping Jerry from overrunning your command posts and there are missions such as Exit 4 off Utah Beach all the way to the final showdown at Carentan. Of couse there is a multiplayer part of the game which is great. But there seems to be no one one to play with for the PC version of the game. Also I found aiming at the enemy a little difficult because it seemed that when looking down the sighs of the gun it moved unnessasaraly so you wasted several shots before hitting the enemy.

Graphics: I have to say that the graphics are good in this game. It's quite colorful which seem to be done in a watercolor type of way. Though Bushes and a few other textures could of been a little better done in comparison to other shooters of this later half of this decade. I was also impressed by how detailed the faces of the soldiers in this game. They blinked and showed emotions when being shot at of talking.

Sound: The sound in this game is great. Everything from the gun shots to the soundtrack suited the game and sounded like it should sound for the time period. Also I really liked the voice acting in this game.

Value: The only down side of this PC version of the game is that there rarly anyone online to play with and you can't do slitscreen for the PC version. All in all this is a really good game to have and to replay on diffrent level of difficulty is good, Also the realistic combat is good. For anyone that says it aint graphicly good enough or not enough veriaty... well it's set in France... and in histroic locations what did you expect? I give this game 9.0 out of 10.