Simply a great game!

User Rating: 8 | Brothers In Arms: Road To Hill 30 (Platinum) PS2
Brothers in arms is a great game. It has its ups and its downs. The up is that the gamer can go through the story of the 101st just like what was on the history channel. It makes the game that much more interesting knowing that you are following in the foot steps of a veteran soldier in world war two. Brothers in arms has a good story with a great ending. It is difficult to command troops at first, but the gamer will get the hang of it. Most of the time I don't even use my troops I just fought everyone myself. It is easier that way sometimes, sometimes they are vital to your success. I think the troops could have been better. Most of the time they shoot at the enemy but don't get a hit. Sometimes they do, but most of the time they are needed to suppress the enemy so the gamer can move around and get his or her shot in. The worst character of the game is Hartstok "Red" Red is the worst character because he is always the first one to die. Why did they even created him in the first place if he is just going to die all of the time. Well, one more bad thing, is that the main character will move the gun on the gamer when he or she is trying to aim. It doesn't when the gamer is kneeling. All in all, this game is great and should be checked out if he or she likes shooters or world war 2 games.