Another WWII game, yet the hardest out there.

User Rating: 6.5 | Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood PS2
Graphics: Not bad at all. Textures are pretty good along with the surrounding areas. The people don't look half-bad either, but the graphics aren't even near pushing the PS2 to the limit, so don't get too excited over this.

Sound/Music: Between gunshots and your men screaming to eachother, the sounds aren't bad. The voice acting I'd say is around average, again, nothing special. Music isn't that noticable in-game, hardly any plays at all.

Difficulty: As I said above. Hardest WWII game I've ever played, I don't know about you. You can't take two steps without getting bombarded with millions of shots. It takes forever to get through one level because you spend about half an hour to nearly an hour hiding behind whatever you can find while shooting three enemies, it seriously takes forever to take one down. You can't be accurate because you don't get the time to, you have to act fast or you're at critical point in life. MAJOR downside to this game, takes away just about what little fun there is.

Gameplay: So here we are with another WWII first person shooter. It's almost the same as Call of Duty, just a different scene in the war. There's a small varity of guns you can use, hoping your expectations on this game's arsenal isn't high, because if so you'll be highly disappointed. Levels are long and often times boring, after a few times of dying you'll just shut the game off.

Controls: Confusing for awhile, a lot of what you think will do a specific function will do either the opposite or not even what you thought it would do. The buttons you use to command your squad are a bit out of whack, it'll take a long while to get used to these.

Overall: I spent 50 bucks on this game hoping it'd be worth it, and it wasn't what I even hoped it'd be. Now, when you pay 50 bucks for a game, you expect it to be worth your money, this one certainly wasn't for me. If you want a good, or even just decent WWII FPS, better off with Call of Duty. If you're a collector, well.. I ain't gonna stop you.