This game is filled with action however it is missing crucial things.

User Rating: 7 | Brothers In Arms DS DS
Brothers In Arms DS is a great WWII game for the DS and the only WWII for DS. This game brings good non-stop action and you are constantly in a firefight and there are no stops in the game where you can take a breath. I find this non-stop action good as it brings good gameplay to the game. However single player can be a bit short and the controls are tedious and sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you're character won't do what you want it to do. Another bad thing is the lack of multiplayer support. It would've been better if the game had some single card and wifi multiplayer. The graphics are also not very top notch and a lot of things are chappy.

One thing I really like about this game is its effort to making the atmosphere a WWII battlefield. You can often hear you're soldier panting for breath or the tension in the firefights and i feel its this attention to detail in the atmosphere that adds to the excellent gameplay.

What i reallyu hate about the game though is the lack of freedom. You have only one way to go through the game and there are no alternatives. For example so say there's a vehicle. You can't get in the vehicle unless the game requires you to and that just sucks.

Overall you should look at the good things about this game and ignore the bad things because it's a fairly good game.