[text] Despite being terrific at first sight. [Prospecive Buyer] "This game needs carefull examining".. [enter

User Rating: 6.9 | Brian Lara International Cricket 2007 X360
Despite being terrific at first sight, this game could be so much better.

The fact of the matter is: cricket has never been produced at an acceptable standard, at least not in my eyes.

Although this game is great for a proper fan of cricket, it also features information and a great tutorial for newcomers who want to get into cricket. This game satisfies the basic criteria for game-play, but not much more. It does nothing exceptional to set itself apart from any mediocre attempt of producing a good cricket game. The lack of modes and depth (mini-games) leaves the game with limited re-playability value.

Some simple details are adhered to, eg. sound of the batsmen calling for a run, adding hawk-eye for lbw's... but nothing more has been made into the game, eg no manual replay function, lack of mini-games and rather annoyingly the licensing issues which prevent this game showing the players' real names in the custom test/ one day exhibition modes.

Since i've mentioned mini-games twice, now you should wonder: "what mini-games have you got on your mind then eh?"

Well, for starters: rubbing the ball so that you work for your swing, perhaps button mashing for a better appeal for lbw/ "caught behind" when bat almost hits ball (umpires don't always get decisions right you know, so they can be convinced by the bowler), butting mashing to sprint to the ball when fielding or run between the wickets as a batsman under pressure and choosing when to dive to reach the crease, the option of taunting the opposition which may intimidate them or just anger them.

If game's price tag decreases, this game will be worth buying. Otherwise wait for a few years until another game come out, which i might review for you.