like doing everyday homework using your DS....thats fun

User Rating: 8.5 | Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! DS
gameplay: very short, but thats the point to use your head. long hours of gameplay will get you bord though, the game is mostly brain puzzles and sodoku which is a japanese puzzle involveing numbers 1-9 placed on a 3x3 grid each with 9 squares, and it makes fairly good use of your DS. much like those simulator games, this is something you should do for no more than a hour daily, the game will also allow you to use the mike for 2 of the puzzles one that involves you to sey the background color of the word color
the the other involveing you to do basic math out loud.

story: there is no story just puzzles, math, and reading. i do find some of the stories in the reading amuseing though

sound: there is only a little sound but its best to just leave the volume off since they are only sound effects

overall: its a very good game to challenge your friends and family with or without wireless. the wireless is a basic math race,
up to 4 accounts can be made.....happy training!!....and oh yeah the best brain age is 20