
User Rating: 7.8 | Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! DS
This game is hard to describe because its too different from any other games that i've ever played. This game tells you how old your brain is and gives you various different activities to activate parts of your brain that supposedly need to be stimulated because of old age. Checking your brain age could be things like memorizing many words, doing math problems, etc. and those three tests, based on speed and accuracy, will tell you how old your brain is. Rather than checking your brain age, you could go on and just do some simple math problems, getting a head count on things, or even just play soduko. Soduko was a great addition to the game because i mostly play it because of it. there are around 20 different soduko puzzles in three different difficulties(basic, intermediate, and advanced). In simple words, this game is definitely a new experience