Flaws do their best to bring down this genuinely enjoyable game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Borderlands PC
Borderlands is one of those games that is fairly original and genuinely enjoyable, but it's numerous flaws scream rushed dev cycle. I really wanted to give this game a 8.5 - 9, and if I was going just by the gameplay I think it would deserve it, but for a PC game there are a few problems that severely detract from the experience.

As for the good, the story is interesting, the missions are varied and enjoyable, if a bit easy. Some of the most fun and challenge to be had are the two gladiator quest lines, which are both frantic and rewarding when you finally complete them. The game really picks up in the last 3-5 hours and the main story missions get much more interesting and challenging. Playing with others of a similar level is also a lot of fun, I ran through most of the end missions with a group in about 3-4 hours and it was a blast. The games sense of humor is also prevalent and enjoyable, as are rewards in the forms of new guns and mods, which makes doing the side missions desirable. Getting that one legendary shotgun or SMG with the perfect stats for your class make all the killing and missions really pay off.

As for the major problems I'll limit my review to 2 that were very glaring. First, graphical options, in a PC game you should not have to hunt through config files to force v-synch and FSAA, set mouse options, etc... These are options PC gamers have come to expect and the lack of easy settings should not happen. Secondly, IGN multiplayer service, which is universally a pain in the ass to work with. Gearbox has a great relationship with Valve and the Steam service would have been far more streamlined. I had to forward ports and tweak IGN like I always do, just to be able to play the game online. The biggest problem here is out of the 50 or so games you might see in the browser, maybe 5 can be joined due to most people not knowing how to set up the multiplayer. For a game like this, you should be able to load the game and just simply play online. Their are also a variety of other issues in the multiplayer related to hacked guns and griefing, but I don't care to go into detail and they don't significantly detract from the game.

All in all, I really enjoyed the game. If you only have a little bit of time you can play by yourself, but if you want better gear, more of a challeng, and have some time to dedicate to the story missions you can hop online and join a few others for a generally enjoyable run. I finished my first play-through last night and got to 37, I fully intend to play through a second time to get to 50, so I would have to recommend this game on it's merits. However, I think Gearbox really dropped the ball in a few areas, which they had better improve if they expect me to buy a sequel.